Too Much TV Football Threatens Trouble For Some

Although it only seems like yesterday that the 2017 / 2018 season finished, football supporters will be eager for Thursday to come.

On Thursday, not only does the World Cup start, in Russia, with the hosts entertaining Saudi Arabia in the opening fixture, but the fixtures for the 2018 / 2019 season are released.

I bet I’m not alone in speculating who the Hammers first game will be against.

Although some might crave a big name to start the season with, I have to admit I’d prefer to start with a home game against one of the newly promoted sides and the chance to, probably, get three points on the board.

But, returning to the World Cup, I can’t help thinking that whilst many are eager for it to start, there lies trouble ahead.

How many relationships will hit stormy patches when the females of our species realise that there are, on some days, three live games on the trot.

The test will come when, for them, the novelty has worn off, probably after three or four days.

They’ll be moaning about missing their soaps, they’ll be moaning about nothing else being on the television than football and they’ll totally forget that it only happens once every four years.

So how can we placate them?

Flowers, chocolates or the odd takeaway?

Please let us know because I’m one of several of the male species anticipating trouble ahead in the coming weeks.

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