The Great ‘Can the London Stadium Work’ Poll Result

The decision to leave the Boleyn Ground to move into the London Stadium was something that was never going to be readily accepted by the supporters.

Leaving your roots for unfamiliar territory was always going to be a hard task for the board to sell.

But, sell it they did, on the premise the move would elevate West Ham United to a position whereby they`d be challenging for a place in the Champions League.

However, it hasn`t quite worked out like that has it!

Instead of dreaming of listening to the Champions League anthem blaring out on a midweek night, we`re stuck at the other end of the table, contemplating being relegated again.

The London Stadium, instead of fitting the club like a glove, resembles one of those over-sized mittens knitted by your gran that always fell off when you pulled your hand out of your coat pocket.

But will the London Stadium always have that feel?

Using our front-page poll, we`ve tried to gauge your views on the subject by asking the very pertinent question:

Can the move to the London Stadium be made to work?

We left you three options to select from:

? Yes!

? No!


? Undecided!

Nobody opted for the undecided option, suggesting that nobody was sat on the fence on this particular subject matter.

But, in answering the question, it appears that the majority doubt that the move can ever be made to work with 60% opting for the No option, compared to 40% opting for the Yes option.

Is it a poll result you agree with?

Please feel free to leave your opinions on the delicate subject matter in our comments facility beneath this article.

Our latest poll simply asks if West Ham United really are in danger of being relegated, please take this opportunity to vote.

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